If she did it, then so can you…

If you’re looking to build a business online, but you feel like you’re starting out at total SQUARE ONE…
(Nope, it’s not mine- but I watched it and learned SO much!)
It’s a cool training by Kaelin Poulin (A.K.A. LadyBoss).
She and her husband have built a multi-million dollar online EMPIRE by helping women to lose weight and love their bodies.
Here’s what I really love about this…
Have you ever taken one look at the so-called ‘online gurus’ out there, who can often literally send ONE email and make 6-figures…
And thought,
“But what about the rest of us? We’re just starting out… How do WE do it?”
Kaelin’s training teaches you the exact strategies used to build a business as a total online “newbie”…
So, if you’re starting your online business from scratch…
Or if you have NO list…
Or NO money…
And no experience…
This training will definitely resonate with you…
Weaved into everything that she teaches you, is her incredible “before” story.
Before the multi-million dollar success…
Before the 1.3 MILLION women they’ve helped…
Before the huge team they’ve built, or the LIVE events they’ve put on…
This training will absolutely leave you feeling that if SHE could do it, so can you!
Here’s the link to her cool free training → LadyBoss Training
Have a Great Day!


The Big Reveal Is….

Good Evening Family!

So I published some time ago that I was coming back but not sure of the capacity that I would return. I further stated that it would not be client based, however the need to educate and continue to develop and provide required content would be at the fore of my efforts. All that being said, I have been working and continue to do so behind the scenes and also in front developing…drum roll please…


So I have had a vegan eating strategy for some time and I have been looking for ways to take it to the next level. I also stepped away from LaRochester Fitness to explore my passion for motorcycles so it seems only fitting that two of my passions are rolled up into one and allow me to also give back to those that have given me so much. That said, I have set up a YouTube Channel and will be providing weekly video uploads on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. I would really love and appreciate your support if you would subscribe to my channel and help me grow. You can check out the channel here.

I have also setup a store for shirts and other items that will be available along with a couple of projects, one being an audio book coming in late August.

For the startup support, For the first 100 subscribers to my channel, I will be providing you a special MotoVegan YouTube Merchandise box with a free tshirt and other items as my thank you.

I have not, nor will I ever forget my love and passion for fitness and health. I understand that because that is my foundation, it has allowed me to find this outlet and explore this avenue to continue to excite, inspire and show that no matter how much to achieve, there is always more you can do.

Thank you as always for your time and support. I look forward to your feedback and providing value to your lives.


Jeremy LaRochester A.K.A – TheMotoVegan

Youtube Channel – TheMotoVegan

Know Yourself

Hello and Happy Sunday to You!
Now before everyone goes and gets super excited…I am not back..exactly – kind of….

I am no longer working with clients in any capacity but have continued to maintain the lifestyle of veganism and fitness as I have pursued other interests in my life. When I posted on my facebook page that I would be taking the page down, little did I know that it was something that I could just not bring myself to do. In the deeper recess of my soul, something told me “no” and I listened. In this last year and a half, much has happened and little has also changed. I’ve jumped into fulfilling my love for motorcycles with both feet enjoying the thrill of riding and also building. Working with Harley Davidson and understanding some additional technical aspects of motor and engine builds has been tremendous and more than worth it. I have also honestly missed posting fitness and meal plans, as well as doing what I am doing right now…just talking with you all. I’ve titled this post I feel appropriately because no matter how much we either try to run or alter the true nature of who we are, we always come back to our fundamental roots. That being said, I will be brainstorming over the next weeks to decide what I will be offering aside from my blog posts. I’m a person that does not believe in going backwards so I am certain that I will not be offering personal training or classes. I may offer minimum consulting for meal planning but again, I’m unsure as to how far I will go.

It has been awhile I know but once I iron out what contributions I can make, I will be in touch. Until then, enjoy your Sunday and we’ll talk again soon!


Use This in Your Triathlon Training…

The Tabata workout training protocol offers a way of maximizing athletic fitness in the minimum amount of time. Because of this, it is ideal for triathlon training.

How To Use Tabata For Triathlon Training

You will want to do the same exercises you will do during your triathlon during your Tabata workout.

Spend four minutes on each exercise every morning; if you are serious about being your best, do another four minutes for each in the afternoon.


Let’s start with running. To get yourself up to shape for your triathlon running, you’re going to be doing eight extremely high intensity bursts of running at maximum speed, each twenty seconds long. These twenty second bursts of intensity and speed are going to be separated by ten second long recovery intervals. This is where you need to try to catch your breath.

Before you start, make sure you’re all set up for injury-free running. Choose a level field, track or quiet street to run on. Make sure your shoes have got enough shock absorbency left in them. Then, turn on your stop watch and run as if the devil was after you.

You need to be using all your physical capacity, straining all your muscles.

When twenty seconds are over, stop. Rest exactly ten seconds, and then do another twenty second sprint.

For your Tabata running workout you’ll have to do this for eight rounds. It’ll only take you four minutes total.

It is vital to not slow down toward the end, you have to keep that intensity up in round number seven, and eight, just as you did in the first. If you’ve done it right, you’ll feel like collapsing on the ground in utter exhaustion when it’s finished. You may even see stars, or throw up. If you do, just clean up the mess, get some Gatorade in you, and prepare to do it again tomorrow.

That’s Tabata. The work is intense, but, the rewards are great.


You can give yourself a short break before going on to the next round. Then put on your swimsuit and get out to the pool. Here you’ll follow the same protocol.

For twenty seconds, you’ll swim as if your life depended on your speed. Then ten seconds of rest, hanging on the side of the pool.

Then twenty more seconds of water fury unleashed.

8 rounds, 240 seconds total.

Since you can’t see a stopwatch in the water you may want to ask someone to play timekeeper, or put on an mp3 that tells you when your twenty and ten second intervals are up and it’s time to switch gears.


Biking is more of the same. Using either your regular bike on safe, traffic free roads or an exercise bike inside your home, pedal madly for twenty seconds, then give yourself ten seconds to just rest. Add as much resistance as you can handle, an incline works very well.

Make sure you keep up that absolute intensity through all eight rounds. Intense doesn’t just mean fast biking. It means really fast biking. There shouldn’t be any way imaginable in which you could carry on a conversation when doing it.

You should be gasping for breath, literally out of breath, as that is the anaerobic state that comes with Tabata, and it is exactly where you want to be.

You should be pretty much dead when it’s done.

The Rewards

The intense bursts of work in Tabata are highly effective for building stamina and endurance. It is during these intervals that the body is pushed to its absolute maximum and is forced to perform beyond its capacity.

One of the most important aspects of participating in a Triathlon and having a successful race is to work on endurance and stamina levels and, while Tabata is grueling it is also very effective to that end.

There’s your Tabata workout for triathlon training. Now get to training!

Zumba Versus Tabata

There are two names going around the exercise world these days, Zumba and Tabata. Both of them can give you results, though they seem in some ways, opposite poles of the fitness spectrum, cold screaming intensity from Japan versus warm Caribbean dancing, they actually work your body in some of the same ways.

Which one is for you will depend more on your goals and on your personality than anything else. Of course, you can always do both. Do Tabata three days a week and Zumba two days a week, or the other way around. They’re so extremely different they make for a good change off routine.

Zumba will take you at least an hour, and to have the full fun effect, you’ll need to enroll in a Zumba class or dance party, as some call it. You’ll get to mix it up with people of all ages, physical shape, and backgrounds, and even learn a variety of aerobic dance moves that put to catchy Caribbean music, will give you a workout before you’re even aware you’re working.

At the same time, if you do really put yourself out there, you’ll have no problem working up a sweat during your Zumba session and at the same time burn lots and lots of calories.

Tabata workouts can be done in classes at the gym or at home with no equipment, other than a stopwatch. Tabata is an extremely high intensity physical training program. You bring yourself to your own personal ultimate level of exertion for twenty seconds, let it drop for ten seconds, and bring it back up for another twenty eight times over.

A Tabata routine only takes four minutes total. Keep in mind, though, Tabata routine can be much harder than a Zumba session just because of that absolute maximum intensity that is required. You have to push yourself, really push yourself, for it to be a true Tabata.

If you can really push yourself to your limits and you can be disciplined enough to do your Tabata routine daily, or four times a week, research has shown that Tabata style high intensity interval training can give decidedly better results than even an hour steady-state training program like Zumba.

However, that doesn’t mean you should write your Zumba off. The plus side of Zumba is the motivation it offers. It’s not hard to make yourself do; you may even be looking forward to your Zumba dance sessions all day. Tabata, on the other hand, requires motivation from within.

So if you have a hard time pushing yourself to do exercise at all, signing up for that Zumba dance session is a really good idea and an important step toward a healthier future. If you’re the sort who can beat your body into doing almost anything, and if you’re serious about being as fit as you can be, try Tabata.

It’s four minutes, after all. How bad can four minutes be?

As you’re lying on the ground dying after your routine is over, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you did it and you trained like a world class Olympic champion.

Incorporating Zumba With Tabata

On the flip side, why should you choose? You don’t have to. Tabata is only recommended to be done 3 or 4 times a week max. So you can easily do Zumba on the other days. This will make sure that you have the optimal amount of exercise and that you are not doing a very intensive workout every single day.

So go for it! All you have to lose is fat, and the risk of heart disease!

Understanding the true Tabata


It is a fact that Tabata can deliver unbelievable results with no time expenditure. Is it really true, and is it something a beginner can do?

Well, yes, and yes, but, there’s something about it you need to know. Nothing in life is free. While Tabata may be the shortest of all exercise regimes—who can beat 4 minutes?

That 4 minutes may well be the longest 4 minutes of your life. If you do it right, it’ll be a 9 on the Richter scale.

richter scale

Think you’re made of stiffer stuff? Izumi Tabata, the founder of the method, first tried it out on world class athletes, and it was really hard for them. He published it because it was so evidently a superior method of getting results, but, he didn’t expect many people to be interested in it. He knew most of us are not masochists, and he knew his workout was one only a masochist would enjoy.

One thing he misestimated—the selling power of quick, and the strong desire many hold to have strong, healthy bodies we can be proud of.

Now thousands of people use what they call the Tabata method. They don’t all get the promised results, but, that’s only because they aren’t doing it right.

A Tabata workout is never supposed to be easy, even for those who are in elite shape.

Many get this part wrong, and confuse it with the typical HIIT intervals, and so the concern is that people aren’t using the Tabata protocol correctly when the 20 second intense interval moves are too slow to bring on EPOC and the ideal anaerobic state.

This typically occurs when the moves are too complicated, or do not engage enough muscle groups to deliver the intensity required.

Remember this concept and you will never be limited in your tabata protocols.

Thanks for reading!


I’d like your feedback please…

Hello Everyone!

Wow, I’ve been blown away by the emails and comments I’ve received on my trainings and messages about diabetes strategy sessions. It’s been insightful, inspiring, enlightening…

And – I know there’s always room for improvement, and that’s something I’m committed to.

So I’d like to ask for your help. Would you be willing to give me some feedback about your experience?

Everyone sees something different and I’d like to know what you see, what worked and what didn’t – so I can continue to master my craft, and serve you even more.

So here is how you can help: Please schedule a 15 minute conversation to give me your feedback here

You’ll be talking with me of course! I’ll be happy to take you through a few brief questions or just listen if you have a

lot to say. At the conclusion of our session, I will send you a brief follow up survey for you to let me know where I need to focus on to improve my coaching practice.

As a thank you, I will give you my new portable workout system: “7 at Home Workouts” free, plus exclusive access to one month of lifestyle mastermind (how to master your life through fitness, nutrition and lifestyle) program as a token of my appreciation.

Thank you again for helping!

Jeremy LaRochester

P.S. You can book your 15 minute conversation here.

Consider These Ideas The Next Time You Try To Lose Weight


Happy Tabata Tuesday!

As you know by now, the tabata protocol is a solid and efficient way to shed unwanted weight. I have a special post to excite and inspire you today!

Shedding pounds and health aren’t always tied together. The creation of muscle increases the density of weight within an individual and can even cause a person to gain weight, given that they are building more muscle than they are burning fat. It’s important to learn the ways to lose weight correctly; losing muscle can be very harmful in its own right. Learn the tips and tricks to lose weight without losing muscle in this article.

An important part of proper weight loss is to eat at least three times per day. Skipping meals only lowers your metabolism and therefore causes you to gain weight, or lose it more slowly. Make sure that you eat a healthy breakfast  in the morning and then another meal with a solid snack for the day.

In an effective weight-loss exercise routine, it can be very helpful to schedule your workouts as early in the day as you can. Exercising first thing in the morning provides you with increased energy levels throughout the day. It also helps your mood, because all day long you can be proud of the fact that you already got your workout done.

Ignore what your scale says. A lot of people find themselves easily discouraged when their scale does not indicate that they are making immediate progress. If you are exercising and dieting properly, just ignore the scale entirely. Keep up what you are doing. It might take a little while, but eventually you will begin to see results.

When you arrive at work, park your car as far away from the entrance door as possible. The calories burned by this extra walking every work day can really add up and help you lose weight faster. If you use public transport, get off the train or bus a stop before your destination and walk the extra distance.

Reduce the amount of carbohydrates that you eat throughout the day. Also do not eat any carbohydrates late in the afternoon or in the evening. You can increase the amount of good fat and protein that you eat to compensate for your lost calories when you cut out the carbohydrates.

Get rid of clothes that do not fit you anymore. Motivate yourself to keep the weight off by only buying clothes that fit your body now. Remove any clothes that are now too large for you from your wardrobe. You can donate them to charity or sell them for a tidy sum.

A key tip for anyone embarking on a weight loss program is to shift focus away from the number on the scale. Weighing oneself on a daily basis can seriously undermine weight loss efforts, because the normal fluctuations that will surely register on the scale can have a devastating impact on motivation and morale. A better strategy is concentrate on positive changes in body shape and muscle tone, rather than on actual weight in pounds.

Eliminate soda to lose weight. You would probably be shocked to know how many calories a day you are getting just from your sugared sodas. If you trade one super-sized soda for a no-calorie water instead, you can cut 400-500 calories. Multiply that over several drinks a month, or a week, and you can see how quickly that adds up.

Avoiding obvious anorexic behavior sounds easy but can easily tempt the amateur exerciser with its surprising results. Making sure to perform weighing tests with regularity and eliminating other factors can help regulate this behavior. Additionally, solid knowledge and application of the many other details listed in this article can help an individual realize their true progress into getting their goal body.

Take these tips and convert them into a winning strategy! Talk to you again soon!

Yours In Success,

Jeremy LaRochester

10 reasons to get you great results in less than 20 minutes

Happy Tabata Tuesday!


I want to give you the best concepts to help you achieve your fitness goals without any additional cost, time but maximum effort within 20 minutes. Below are 10 of the best Tabata practices to springboard your success.

10 Tabata Best Practices

To get the most out of your intense and highly effective workouts, here are some tips and guidelines to follow:

  1. As part of the original protocol a 10 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down is highly recommended.
  2. Use full body exercises that engage many muscle groups.
  3. Feel free to use free weights, bodyweight, weighted vests or ankle weights as this will increase intensity.
  4. Go all out in the 20 second intense intervals, never slow down, and push yourself to the limits.
  5. Except to be gasping for breath, literally gasping, this is where you want to be.
  6. Make every attempt to find your breath in the 10 seconds of rest, good luck.
  7. Cool down for at least 5 minutes.
  8. Prepare to get really sweaty.
  9. Don’t give up if the first, second or third time you do a Tabata routine you feel like you want to die or throw up or you can’t finish. This is typical.
  10. Don’t give up if the fourth, fifth or sixth time you think you can’t do this ever again. You can, you will, you should.

I hope this provides some clarity for you to focus on accomplishing your goals. If you need some additional direction or want clarity about how to defeat your fitness “pleateau”, contact me here for a free strategy consultation.

Yours In Success,

Jeremy LaRochester