Best Pre And Post Workout Fuel For The Intense Tabata Intervals

So how do you prepare and recover?

Having masses of energy before, during and after a Tabata workout can be hard. You need to find foods that give you different types of fuel to suit the situation.

Pre Workout Fuel

As you may already know, Tabata style workouts are extremely quick and intense. They are over within a matter of minutes.

This means that before working out you need to find something that’s quick and easy to consume which provides forms of “fast release” energy. With this type of energy, your body will be able to use it almost instantly hence helping you power through the workout ahead.

What to Avoid:

You may have heard of preworkout energy drinks. Although there is a time and place for these products, they are not recommended.

This is due to the sometimes dangerously high caffeine content as well as some extremely high amount of sugars packed into these energy drinks. Thinking of drinking a sugar free energy drink?

You may want to think again as even more chemicals and artificial sweeteners are added to these products which are known to, over time, lead to health problems.

Energy drinks and pre-workout products can also become addictive and after using these supplements before every single session you may start to rely on these to get through a workout.

When for any reason you don’t have access to one or want to stop consuming them, it can leave you feeling low throughout the day with withdrawal symptoms let alone having not enough motivation for the gym.

What To Choose:

You have a range of choices when it comes to getting in some quality sources of fast release carbs / energy.

Egg Yolk:

If your Tabata workout in the morning a fantastic example of a breakfast could include some egg yolks. These are rich in B-vitamins which convert food into the energy we need. They also contain vitamin D to maintain strong and healthy bones.

Furthermore, they are also a great source of protein which is essential for the day to help you reach your daily intake of protein.

With this you could include some other items for slow releasing carbs / energy throughout the day or a healthy choice of cereal.

Pumpkin Seeds:

A handful of raw pepitas or dry roasted pumpkin seeds can give you a natural jolt to power through a workout. Pumpkin seeds are a good source of protein, healthy fats and fiber, keeping you feeling full and energized longer.

Fresh Pressed Veggie Juice:

But what should I drink? Green Juice. Whip out the juicer, grab some kale, romaine lettuce, couple stalks of celery, a pinch of ginger, 1/2 of lemon and lime and about 3 medium sized carrots. Fresh juice will not only naturally hydrate the cells in the body, it will also carry micronutrients to aide in increasing the effeciency of the lymphatic, digestive and metabolic systems to name a few. Within moments of drinking this fresh juice, you can feel the body responding because absorption is immediate, thus allowing the elimination of toxins from the blood and creating a more alkaline state within the body.

One of the most important determinants of your energy levels is hydration. Dehydration kicks in much sooner and harder than starvation. Water is responsible for transporting all nutrients in the blood that we use for energy as well as getting rid of waste build-up that leads to fatigue.

Without enough water, we cannot metabolize the food we eat into fuel and ultimately cease to function properly. Always drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially before and during workouts.

Post Workout Fuel

Post work-out fuel is a little easier. You may feel hungry and in need of a full on meal depending on the time of day. If this is the case, make sure to get a healthy, balanced meal consisting of your protein, carbs and fats.

If you’re looking for some slow release energy / carbs try:

Whole Grain Cereal:

Whole grain cereal is a fantastic source of Fiber and can slow the release of glucose into the bloodstream which leads to more consistent energy levels throughout the day and post workout. Organic Oats (Oatmeal) is an ideal fix as well as an awesome fiber source.

Just a few more ideas to incorporate into your eating strategies to help your fitness and lifestyle progression.

Thanks for reading,

Jeremy LaRochester

Recognize this creature?


Does she look familiar to you? Can anyone guess who this extraordinary creature is? Well, if you suffer with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, I’m sure that you have no knowledge of who “she” is…so I will do what your endocrinologist and primary care physician won’t…I’ll tell you and give you some background on her as well.


Eurytrema pancreaticum, let’s just call her “Ethel Pancel”, is a major cause of your diabetes. You see, Ethel is a pancreatic fluke of cattle. When you think of milk, think of Ethel….cheese, yes Ethel is there in all of her splendor to not just share the animal protein and nutrients, but also her legacy. Legacy? – yes, you didn’t think that just because you ingest cow’s milk that the body somehow just eliminates all of the parasites contained within did you? Let me give you the basic details of why Ethel is more dangerous than you know:

Humans become infected through consuming meat and dairy thereby also ingesting adult eurytrema flukes but primarily their eggs. As other flukes they have no external signs of segmentation. The mouth ends in the pharynx, a muscular tube that allows sucking. The digestive system is blind (i.e. without anus: the only opening is the mouth) and not linear, as in most animals, but branched, ending in several blind ducts (called coeca). Pancreas flukes are simultaneous hermaphrodites, i.e. they have both male and female reproductive organs.

As your body begins to breakdown and digest meat and dairy, the digestive process release the infective metacercariae that migrate to the pancreatic duct. The results of this process can sometimes be felt immediately. Have you ever become sick to the stomach shortly after eating ice cream, milk, cheese or combination of foods containing dairy? The body is very quick to signal the brain that something is wrong. Over time, these “smart receptors” become infected thereby neutralizing the bodies ability to defend itself.

Most infections are benign and cause only mild symptoms if at all. Nevertheless the pancreatic duct may be inflamed and enlarged. In heavy infections the duct can be occluded and the pancreatic tissues can be damaged as well. This damage causes the decrease in insulin production due to the destruction of the pancreatic beta cells. This type of infection can also lead to more severe gastrointestinal disturbances (e.g. vomiting, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, etc.) depending on the number of flukes. Infestation of flukes can spread to other organs in the body and force individuals to have to undergo a parasite detox or “deworming process.” Yes, you read that right, not just your dog or cat need the occasional deworming. Prehistoric man did it without the knowledge of why…other than seasons to consume nutrients from a variety of natural sources.

There are ways to detox Ethel and her legacy, while it will take time and dedication, it can be done. This process begins as any other, with a plan to change your eating and consume living natural products to allow the body to heal.

If you are interested in learning how to detox and get rid of Ethel, email me at:

Put “Ethel Detox” in the subject line.

Yours In Success,


Eradicate Plan – Step 1

How’s it going?

I hope this reaches you in good spirits on this Wednesday. So this will serve as the first step in the vetting process for the Eradicate Diabetes Plan. If you are serious about doing something about your condition, your circumstances, this all important step is crucial.

I want to create an environment for you to feel comfortable with planning steps to reverse your condition. I offer this solution:

Join my Eradicate Diabetes Group. This is a dedicated site and forum to allow those wondering what a normal life is like to start building upon one. Instead of denying yourself another day of life, connect with others and share your struggles and success. Support and accountability are two major components to defeating this curable disease. We can do it together.

I want you to imagine:

No longer being dependent on medication to treat your diabetic “symptoms”.

Having endless amounts of energy and living life on your terms.

Building on positive eating habits to share with family and friends.

Paying this lifestyle of yours forward to another in need.

This is your new life…it’s waiting for you. Let’s get you started with step 1 today.

I look forward to working with you,


I’m Closing The Doors…


Hey There!

So after much thought and just the direction that I want to go, I am sorry to say that LaRochester Fitness will no longer provide fitness and nutritional services to the general public. I would like to thank those of you that have provided me the opportunity to serve you and give you the tools and resources to improve your life, while you allowed me to really know that most people at their core are truly awesome! Thank You!

Now that I have that out of the way, let me tell you who LaRochester Fitness is still open to…

If you suffer from type 2 diabetes, LaRochester Fitness is your solution to understanding and eradicating your diabetes. I will never abandon any of you. The newsletter will continue to be provided with additional tips, fitness and nutritional concepts and ideas. I still have a few spots left for those that require assistance. You can setup your initial consultation for free here.


So I was thinking about the overall impact of me closing my services to the general public and those looking and needing a fitness professional that would be devoted to their success. After some deliberation I came up with a solution…


I called up a few coaching clients and asked for their feedback. I realized that I have a commitment to only 2 of my remaining 8 (6 have been on a month to month and April 28 will satisfy the last two contracts) and what would they think and ultimately do. So in talking and sorting things out, I have decided that I will only take private coaching clients on: 1-referral basis only or 2- by application. That being the case, I am going to provide the chance for a select few to become a part of my private coaching client group. You will submit an application for review and approval. I’m not accepting just anyone. Spots are at a premium…meaning your time is valuable and not to be wasted. You can submit your coaching application here: Coaching Client Application

I will review your application and you will receive a response within 48 hours. If you are not accepted, I will keep your application on file and should a spot become available, I will reach out to you to determine if you are still interested. I want win-win situations for all parties involved. Why…..because everybody needs



Let me know what you think of the changes by leaving me comments below.

As always, it is a pleasure and a great honor to serve you as a human family. I Love You All!

Yours In Success,

Jeremy LaRochester

P.S. – Here are the links for the Coaching Client Application and to book your type 2 diabetes consultation

Can I Have Your Opinion

Hi, how’s it going?

I wanted to keep this brief because I know it’s late and I’m telling on myself! My sleep patterns get kind of weird when I lock on to an idea or concept that I have to see through to completion. Enough about me and my ridiculous motivation to G.S.D. (thank you Chris McCombs and Bedros Keuilian)!

There will be a pretty big announcement that is coming soon regarding LaRochester Fitness and future business (I can’t wait!) In order to make this seamless process complete, I would really appreciate if you could please complete this survey for me. It should only take a couple of minutes of your time, but will be invaluable for me in terms of feedback on me and my products and services. This will also allow me to improve in areas to make the most of my interactions with my clients and patrons.

Here’s the link once more: Customer Service Survey

Thank you very much and we’ll talk soon,


Are You Slowly Sinking?

Hey, I wanted to send this to you because…

…well, maybe someone needs to hear it.

I know that some of you are in a position
where you have to do something.

You need good news and good fortune.  You just can’t afford to keep sticking your foot in the door again and again and not advancing your situtation.

You feel like you’re slowly sinking.  You research plan and try everything you know to do for hours trying to find
that one special program that will work for you.

You can’t afford to lose again.

I know what that’s like.

I was so frustrated with my fitness business when I decided to serve the diabetes community. I previously failed in my business and felt to take the failure as a semester of fitness education and try again.  I honestly wondered if focusing my efforts on type 2 diabetes was even smart for me and my business.

I even thought about giving up a few times.

Boy, am I glad I didn’t.

So, here’s my reason for emailing you today.

It’s not to sell you anything.
It’s not to tell you that you need to join me on my quest to eradicate the world of diabetes…this is about you…
For You.

It’s to say this:

Don’t give up.
Hang in there.
You can do this.

No matter what anyone says, as long as you believe in you and you take action in that direction it can happen.

I’ll help you.

Let me know if I can answer any questions for you about how this can be a different experience for you.

And most of all…don’t give up.

You’re more powerful than you think you are.

To Your Success,

Jeremy LaRochester

It’s Not Your Fault

Hey, how’s it going?

So since it’s Friday and you’re ready to get on with your weekend, I thought about a couple of things that have really been bothering me and wondered if you were having some difficulties rationalizing them too.

This past week has been an eye opener for me. I learned that from all my dilegence and research that I was wrong about some things. I realized that in order for me to maintain my professionalism and ethics, I would have to own up to the misinformation and inform my clients about the correct way to do things. I couldn’t be negligent with their needs, their health and lifestyle. After all, it would be my fault if I didn’t….right?

Accountability is something that we are all responsible for. If this simple check and balance is not in place, a great many things can occur. From theft and greed, to the gross management of someone’s life that would lead to their demise or ultimate death. So whose fault is it when you don’t have all the information about your diabetes? Yours? Your Doctor? Pharmaceutial Company?

All of the Above! Now, I know what you are thinking…”Jeremy is on the soapbox, telling me that I don’t have all the information that I need to cope with my diabetes.” I am actually telling you that you have just enough information to cope with your diabetes…not get rid of it!

It’s not your fault that:

You don’t know the right questions to ask
Your doctors continue to treat your symptoms
Your monthly medication costs are rising
You experience mood swings due to medicating

Your constant change in eating habits are making you depressed
Your Diabetes is Not Improving
You get sick and it takes longer to get rid of illness
You’re having trouble sleeping
You find that you are prone to having accidents in your clothes (#2!)
You’re thinking of suicide
You want to end this pain
You think I’m nuts

For the established reasons, the base that medical practices and what would be considered the normal course of action, much of what I am saying to you would seem like a conspiracy theory…when in fact it’s not.

I care about your wellbeing just as I care about my father, my brother and sister, my niece that go through (and have gone through and paid the ultimate price) the pain, the emotional valleys of dealing with sacrificing their lives on the account of “coping” with a curable disease. I don’t want you to die, I want you to live.

Live so you can embrace your life and touch those around you. Share your gift, your talents given to you with the world. Enrich a childs life and share that spark that exists within you to open a door to another realm for someone. Become an educator and understand that life is not defined in maintaining, it is defined in accomplishment and ever seeking higher degrees of capacity within ones self.

You should know by now that I would die for you. My life is pointless if I am not truthful with you and provide you with the tools required to assist you to reverse and eliminate your diabetes. I’ve watched you fight for too long to gain zero ground in defeating this disease. I plan to help you get rid of it…whether your doctor, pharmacist or pharmaceutial provider like it or not. My life is worth risking for you because you mean more to me living than you do to them as a consumer. I Love You and all that you represent. It’s not your fault.
Have a great weekend.

Yours In Success,

Don’t Eliminate Your Favorite Foods

Lots of people who decide they want to lose weight believe that it’s an all or nothing approach. They decide that they’re going to give up all the foods they used to love and adopt a completely new eating strategy which is filled with healthy foods that they’ve never eaten before in their life.

However, losing weight is all about balance and there’s no reason for you to give up your favorite foods completely. While you will need to make changes to your eating strategy, you can still enjoy your favorite foods in moderation and lose weight.

A good way to balance healthy eating with your favorite foods is to adopt an 80/20 rule where 80% of the calories you consume come from living healthy foods and then 20% of the calories you consume come from other foods of your choosing.

By adopting this 80/20 rule, you’ll find that losing weight is much more fun as there are no restrictions and no foods are off limits. The freedom to eat your favorite foods in moderation makes the whole process much more enjoyable and you’re much more likely to stick with it as a result.

Hopefully you find this useful to incorporate into your daily routine. Leave me a comment below and let me know!

Your Pal in Health & Wellness,


P.S. Don’t forget to register for my free webcast Weight Loss For Diabetics. It is content driven to provide you with a comprehensive plan to help you blast through fat and maximize your diabetic weight loss efforts.

Active Lifestyle With Diabetes

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

Really quick before the game, I wanted to give you all a collection of 11 quick tips that can be done in minutes to better manage your diabetes and prevent complications.
I hope these give you some ideas and help.

1. Put Your Shoes by the Door
Take a minute to put a pair of slip-on shoes and socks near the door so you aren’t tempted to go outside barefoot. Make sure your slippers or house shoes are in a handy location too, so you’ll remember to wear them inside to avoid injury.

2. Do a Quick Body Scan
As you dry off from your shower each day, inspect your body head to toe. Look for dry, red, or sore spots that could become infected. Don’t forget the places where moisture can hide and bacteria can grow. Check under your arms and breasts, and between your legs and toes. Pay special attention to your feet. Use a mirror to help you see all over and treat injuries quickly.

3. Prepare Emergency Snack Packs
Put a few glucose tablets or five or six pieces of hard candy into baggies. Always carry a few with you when you go out in case hypoglycemia — low blood sugar — strikes. It’s hypoglycemia when blood sugar drops below 70 milligrams mg/dL. You may feel, dizzy, hungry, or shaky. Skipping a meal, taking too much diabetes medication, and exercising harder than usual without eating can trigger it.

4. Take a 2-Minute Test
Put your glucose monitor on your nightstand to remind you to check blood sugar first thing in the morning and before bedtime, if your doctor advises. Target range before meals is between 90 and 130 mg/dL. Before bedtime, between 110 and 150 mg/dL.

5. Put a Tag on Your Gym Bag
Does your doctor recommend you check your glucose levels? Make a reminder for yourself. Checking before and after exercise can help you learn how it affects your levels and it may help you avoid dangerous drops in blood sugar levels.

6. Make Insulin Work for Your Lifestyle
If your schedule is fast-paced and meal times are unpredictable, ask your doctor about rapid-acting or fast-acting insulin. It may be a convenient addition to your current therapy. These rapidly acting insulins can be taken just before eating and have an effect on your blood sugars within 30 minutes.

7. Power Up Your Diet
Print the American Diabetes Association’s list of 10 super foods. They have a low glycemic index, meaning they aren’t likely to cause a spike in blood sugar. They are also packed with important nutrients. Post the list on your refrigerator so it’s at the ready when you make your shopping list, plan meals, or look in the refrigerator for something to eat.

8. Drink Some Water
High glucose causes your body to lose fluid, and your skin can get dry. It may get itchy or crack, and that can lead to infection. Drink plenty of water and other fluids to help your skin stay moisturized and healthy.

9. Remember Your Medical Alert Bracelet
Put your medical alert bracelet or pendant near your watch, rings, or other jewelry you wear every day. This may help you remember to wear it. Or keep it near your toothbrush or keys. In an emergency where you’re confused or unable to speak, it can save critical time by letting others know about your diabetes.

10. Exercise in Spurts
Exercising 30 minutes a day is an important part of managing your diabetes. But it can be difficult to fit into a busy lifestyle. Break it up into three 10-minute spurts instead. Try 10 minutes of strength training in the morning. Play an active game with the family during the day or take a brisk stroll at lunchtime. Then, walk with the dog in the evening.

11. Assemble a First-Aid Kit
Diabetes complications can turn minor injury into a major problem. Take a few minutes to gather these supplies:

* hydrogen peroxide for cleaning wounds
* triple-antibiotic cream for dressing cuts and scrapes
* sterile gauze for covering wounds

If you have circulation problems or peripheral neuropathy, you may need to see a doctor or wound care center. Be sure to keep the phone number handy.

Thanks for reading and enjoy the Super Bowl!



2 Recipes Starring Diabetes Superfoods

Happy Hump day! Hope everyone is doing great!

As a diabetic, how do you control your blood sugar levels and weight – and still enjoy meals? It’s all in the right food. Read on for 2 recipes that are healthy, delicious and packed with all the nutrients you need…

When you’re dealing with diabetes, you know you have to watch what you eat to keep the pounds off and blood sugar levels in check.

It sounds hard but doesn’t have to be.

The key is a diet rich in fresh, whole foods. That means lots of fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains, plus a few servings of fish per week.

The following are 2 recipes featuring diabetes superfoods. They’ll keep you feeling fit and help ward off potential complications, including heart and kidney disease, as well as problems with your eyes, kidneys, nerves, and circulation.

Grilled Salmon with North African Flavors
Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats protect against heart disease (a key concern when you have diabetes), according to the Harvard School of Public Health.

In this recipe, the classic North African herb paste chermoula serves as both a marinade and sauce for the salmon. If you don’t feel like firing up the grill, roast salmon at 450˚F for 12-15 minutes.

Serves: 4
Preparation time: 15 minutes

1/4 cup low-fat or nonfat plain yogurt
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
1-1/2 teaspoons paprika
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1/4 teaspoon salt, or to taste
Freshly ground pepper, to taste
1 pound center-cut salmon fillet, cut into 4 portions
1 lemon, cut into wedges

1. Stir together yogurt, parsley, cilantro, lemon juice, oil, garlic, paprika, cumin, salt and pepper in a small bowl. Reserve 1/4 cup for sauce; cover and refrigerate. Place salmon fillets in a large sealable plastic bag. Pour in remaining herb mixture, seal bag and turn to coat. Refrigerate for 20-30 minutes, turning bag over once.

2. Meanwhile, preheat grill to medium-high.

3. Oil grill rack. Remove salmon from marinade, blotting any excess. Grill salmon until browned and opaque in the center, 4-6 minutes per side. To serve, top each piece with a dollop of reserved sauce and garnish with lemon wedges.


Nutritional Facts
Per serving:
229 calories
14 g fat (3 g sat)
1 g carbohydrates
23 g protein
452 mg potassium
134 mg sodium
67 mg cholesterol

Nutritional Bonus: potassium (23% Daily Value), vitamin C (15% DV)

Arctic Char on a Bed of Kale
Up to 2 out of 3 adults with diabetes have hypertension (abnormally high blood pressure)

Leafy greens – like the kale in this recipe – are chock-full of potassium, a mineral that helps regulate blood pressure by counteracting the ill effects of too much sodium.

This dish boasts a second diabetes-friendly food: arctic char (which is related to salmon). It delivers 1,135 milligrams of potassium – nearly a quarter of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s recommended daily intake.

Serves: 4
Preparation time: 30 minutes

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1 large shallot, thinly sliced
1 cup reduced-sodium chicken broth
1/4 cup water
1 to 1-1/2 pounds kale, tough stems removed, coarsely chopped (14-16 cups)
1 pound skinned arctic char (or salmon fillet), cut into 4 portions
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
1/4 cup reduced-fat sour cream
2 teaspoons prepared horseradish
1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill, or 1 teaspoon dried
4 lemon wedges for garnish

1. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Cook shallot, stirring, until beginning to soften, about 2 minutes. Add broth, water and half of kale; cook, stirring, until slightly wilted, about 1 minute. Add remaining kale and cook until tender, about 8 minutes.

2. Sprinkle fish with salt and pepper, and place fish on kale. Cover and cook until fish is just cooked through, 5-7 minutes.

3. Meanwhile, combine sour cream, horseradish and dill in a bowl. Serve fish and kale with sauce and lemon wedges.


Nutrional Facts
Per serving:
335 calories
16 g fat (3 g sat)
90 mg cholesterol
14 g carbohydrates
2 g fiber
35 g protein
1135 mg potassium
424 mg sodium

Nutritional Bonus: vitamin A (353% Daily Value), vitamin C (230% DV), potassium (32% DV), calcium & iron (24% DV), magnesium (19% DV), good source of omega-3s

You will most likely have to seek out your local fish market for the Arctic Char but it is well worth it because it is a very filling and wonderful fish.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and this gives you a couple of dishes that you can implement into your eating strategy.

Leave me some comments below with your thoughts on the recipes.

Thanks for reading!