I’m Closing The Doors…


Hey There!

So after much thought and just the direction that I want to go, I am sorry to say that LaRochester Fitness will no longer provide fitness and nutritional services to the general public. I would like to thank those of you that have provided me the opportunity to serve you and give you the tools and resources to improve your life, while you allowed me to really know that most people at their core are truly awesome! Thank You!

Now that I have that out of the way, let me tell you who LaRochester Fitness is still open to…

If you suffer from type 2 diabetes, LaRochester Fitness is your solution to understanding and eradicating your diabetes. I will never abandon any of you. The newsletter will continue to be provided with additional tips, fitness and nutritional concepts and ideas. I still have a few spots left for those that require assistance. You can setup your initial consultation for free here.


So I was thinking about the overall impact of me closing my services to the general public and those looking and needing a fitness professional that would be devoted to their success. After some deliberation I came up with a solution…


I called up a few coaching clients and asked for their feedback. I realized that I have a commitment to only 2 of my remaining 8 (6 have been on a month to month and April 28 will satisfy the last two contracts) and what would they think and ultimately do. So in talking and sorting things out, I have decided that I will only take private coaching clients on: 1-referral basis only or 2- by application. That being the case, I am going to provide the chance for a select few to become a part of my private coaching client group. You will submit an application for review and approval. I’m not accepting just anyone. Spots are at a premium…meaning your time is valuable and not to be wasted. You can submit your coaching application here: Coaching Client Application

I will review your application and you will receive a response within 48 hours. If you are not accepted, I will keep your application on file and should a spot become available, I will reach out to you to determine if you are still interested. I want win-win situations for all parties involved. Why…..because everybody needs



Let me know what you think of the changes by leaving me comments below.

As always, it is a pleasure and a great honor to serve you as a human family. I Love You All!

Yours In Success,

Jeremy LaRochester

P.S. – Here are the links for the Coaching Client Application and to book your type 2 diabetes consultation

Get Rid Of Diabetes For Good.

Hello, I hope this reaches you in a good place.

I want to wish you a good weekend with a personal commitment that I posted to youtube yesterday that I’ll share with you here.

There are many that talk the talk but can’t walk the walk. I have decided to put my passion where my mouth is. I have fully vested myself in every person with diabetes that wants more out of their lives. If you want more you deserve it!

Diabetics have grown tired and complacent waiting for a pharmaceutical cure. I have a better and more life enriching concept. One that is a major undertaking for me but more than worth it. My dedication to end this disease is in the memory of my father and brother, but also for my beautiful niece, my big headed sister who also deal with diabetes.


My commitment is simple: I pledge to help 1000 people completely reverse their diabetes in this calendar year of 2015. In those cases that are not completely reversed and more severe, I will continue to work with you to reduce your medications until they are no longer required.

To the right of this blog post I am providing a free report on diabetes with a very special offer for those dealing with diabetes. My target is 91 individuals each month and I have every intention on satisfying my target goal.

I hope that you enjoy your weekend and that you do one thing to enrich the life of someone you don’t know. If you are interested in eradicating your diabetes or know someone who is, click on the image to the right for your free report and special offer.

Take care and we’ll talk again soon.

Yours in Success,
Jeremy LaRochester

P.S. – Here’s the link to the youtube video.

Ok, so maybe later wasn’t totally accurate!

Hello All,

You know the first post from a few hours ago was meant to be the beginning of another in depth post. Well, that post has come and it is about 25 after midnight. Yeah, I’m running a little late but hey, it’s alright! So here is the scoop:

I am offering my metabolism guide to fitness free on JeremysFitClub.US site on the Meal Prep Page. It’s free to download with no strings attached. One of several free tidbits that I will be extending to all Fit Club members and those that are curious about my fitness business. If you want more information about my club and me, visit JeremysFitnessClub.info and you will also find a coupon for 50% a month of 30 minute express boot camp when you refer and your referral signs up. This is just to get your taste buds going but trust me when I tell you that there will be more to come as we progress into the New Year.

Still hard to believe we are in 2011 already…seems like only yesterday it was 2002 – no seriously I am totally excited about this year and everything that can be done. While many will say that this is a year to start from scratch and build a new, I beg to differ. I say that this is a year to build upon the foundation established from years past. To refine and tweek programs that perform and attitudes that breed winners. That is my philosophy and I am sticking to it!

On a little bit of bummer news, my studio is all primed and ready to go and my equipment has taken and held hostage by the company that is set to deliver. Apparently my timing with the holidays and New Years was not as great as I thought. Due to my error and maybe some extra partying I will have to wait almost another two weeks to get my things. This will force my schedule and programs back to February to start instead of truly hitting the ground running which is what I have been dreaming about and wishing since early October! It’s a minor setback but gives more time that I can continue my privates and also submit updates like this one!

Well, that looks like that is about it for now. I will be back tomorrow (later today) to give you more information. Thank you so much for hanging out with me and look forward to working out and getting you fit. Take care and have a great night!


What’s going on?

Hello everybody! It’s been a minute but I am here! Well, finally looks like there will be a special LiveStream and Ustream event next Thursday or Saturday. I haven’t figured out which day is going to be the best but I want to keep that a surprise. Just look for an update from JeremysFitClub.us in the next few days! I have been networking and networking getting everything fine tuned for next year and I can’t contain my excitement! Boot Camps that will be housed and no more cancellations… better training schedule and meal planning… everything is just coming together. Just wanted to drop in and say I hope everyone is doing well and your holiday shopping is going well. Alright, til next time take care!

Happy Training!