Recognize this creature?


Does she look familiar to you? Can anyone guess who this extraordinary creature is? Well, if you suffer with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, I’m sure that you have no knowledge of who “she” is…so I will do what your endocrinologist and primary care physician won’t…I’ll tell you and give you some background on her as well.


Eurytrema pancreaticum, let’s just call her “Ethel Pancel”, is a major cause of your diabetes. You see, Ethel is a pancreatic fluke of cattle. When you think of milk, think of Ethel….cheese, yes Ethel is there in all of her splendor to not just share the animal protein and nutrients, but also her legacy. Legacy? – yes, you didn’t think that just because you ingest cow’s milk that the body somehow just eliminates all of the parasites contained within did you? Let me give you the basic details of why Ethel is more dangerous than you know:

Humans become infected through consuming meat and dairy thereby also ingesting adult eurytrema flukes but primarily their eggs. As other flukes they have no external signs of segmentation. The mouth ends in the pharynx, a muscular tube that allows sucking. The digestive system is blind (i.e. without anus: the only opening is the mouth) and not linear, as in most animals, but branched, ending in several blind ducts (called coeca). Pancreas flukes are simultaneous hermaphrodites, i.e. they have both male and female reproductive organs.

As your body begins to breakdown and digest meat and dairy, the digestive process release the infective metacercariae that migrate to the pancreatic duct. The results of this process can sometimes be felt immediately. Have you ever become sick to the stomach shortly after eating ice cream, milk, cheese or combination of foods containing dairy? The body is very quick to signal the brain that something is wrong. Over time, these “smart receptors” become infected thereby neutralizing the bodies ability to defend itself.

Most infections are benign and cause only mild symptoms if at all. Nevertheless the pancreatic duct may be inflamed and enlarged. In heavy infections the duct can be occluded and the pancreatic tissues can be damaged as well. This damage causes the decrease in insulin production due to the destruction of the pancreatic beta cells. This type of infection can also lead to more severe gastrointestinal disturbances (e.g. vomiting, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, etc.) depending on the number of flukes. Infestation of flukes can spread to other organs in the body and force individuals to have to undergo a parasite detox or “deworming process.” Yes, you read that right, not just your dog or cat need the occasional deworming. Prehistoric man did it without the knowledge of why…other than seasons to consume nutrients from a variety of natural sources.

There are ways to detox Ethel and her legacy, while it will take time and dedication, it can be done. This process begins as any other, with a plan to change your eating and consume living natural products to allow the body to heal.

If you are interested in learning how to detox and get rid of Ethel, email me at:

Put “Ethel Detox” in the subject line.

Yours In Success,


Eradicate Plan – Step 1

How’s it going?

I hope this reaches you in good spirits on this Wednesday. So this will serve as the first step in the vetting process for the Eradicate Diabetes Plan. If you are serious about doing something about your condition, your circumstances, this all important step is crucial.

I want to create an environment for you to feel comfortable with planning steps to reverse your condition. I offer this solution:

Join my Eradicate Diabetes Group. This is a dedicated site and forum to allow those wondering what a normal life is like to start building upon one. Instead of denying yourself another day of life, connect with others and share your struggles and success. Support and accountability are two major components to defeating this curable disease. We can do it together.

I want you to imagine:

No longer being dependent on medication to treat your diabetic “symptoms”.

Having endless amounts of energy and living life on your terms.

Building on positive eating habits to share with family and friends.

Paying this lifestyle of yours forward to another in need.

This is your new life…it’s waiting for you. Let’s get you started with step 1 today.

I look forward to working with you,


A Long Time Ago…

In 1550 BC, the famous Ebers Papyrus advised treating diabetes with high fiber wheat grains. Not much has changed since then. Plant foods are the TRUE drug of choice for treating diabetes. There are large numbers of scientific research findings to confirm the effectiveness of plant foods in managing this disease. Through the centuries, more than 400 plants have been identified, used, and prescribed as diabetic remedies.

Raw onions and garlic have been long been favorite anti-diabetic drugs in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. The vegetable bitter gourd and the herb ginseng have been widely used for treating diabetes since the ancient time in India and China. Common mushroom is widely used in parts of Europe to lower blood sugar. Barely bread is a popular treatment for diabetes in Iraq. Other foods, used in different countries, in the treatment of diabetes include beans, cabbage, cinnamon, coriander seeds, cucumber, fenugreek seeds, Indian gooseberry and lettuce.

All these foods have anti-diabetic properties. Scientific research has confirmed that most of these foods, or their compounds, either lower blood sugar, or stimulate insulin production. Some of the more important foods that help to lower blood sugar or stimulate insulin production in diabetes patients are discussed here.

Artichoke is a tuberous root with a top like a sunflower. This vegetable contains good amounts of potassium, a fair amount of calcium and some iron and sulphur, all of which are needed by the body for maintaining good health.

Artichoke is beneficial in the treatment of diabetes because of its high insulin content. A fully ripe artichoke is said to contain more than two percent of insulin. Ripe artichokes are generally available only during autumn or fall. The insulin is converted into sugar in winter. Artichokes are most effective when eaten raw in salads. If cooking is required; they should be boiled, unpeeled, in a small quantity of water for about 10 minutes. Artichokes can be most effective when combined with other vegetables.

I hope that this gives you some ideas and insight on different alterations you can make within your eating strategy to incorporate some of these life enhancing foods.

We’ll talk again soon.


Jeremy LaRochester

Value of Broccoli for Diabetics

Good Day Everyone! Hope you are doing well. I have some informative information regarding Broccoli and family due to the positive benefits that it has nutritionally on diabetics.

Broccoli sprouts may boost antioxidant defenses in people with diabetes. These findings were published in the “European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.” A daily dose of  broccoli sprouts was associated with an increase in the total antioxidant capacity of the blood, and crucial reductions in malondialdehyde (MDA), a reactive carbonyl compound and well-established marker of oxidative stress. The study adds to the growing body of science supporting the potential health benefits of broccoli and broccoli sprouts, often praised for their potential anti-cancer activity.

The tissue of cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts, contain high levels of the active plant chemicals glucosinolates. These are metabolized by the body into isothiocyanates, which are powerful antioxidants and  valuable anti-carcinogens. The main isothiocyanate from broccoli is called sulphoraphane.

A new study employed a broccoli sprout that provided high levels of sulphoraphane isothiocyanates.  It examined the potential antioxidant activity of broccoli to counter oxidative stress in diabetics.

For those of you that are not aware, Oxidative stress has been linked to an increased risk of various diseases including cancer, Alzheimer’s and cardiovascular disease.

Oxygen-breathing organisms naturally produce reactive oxygen species which play an important role in a range of functions, including cell signaling. However, over production of these reactive oxygen species from smoking, pollution, sunlight, high intensity exercise, or the human aging process, may overwhelm the body’s antioxidant defenses and lead to oxidative stress.

It is also important to note that oxidative stress is a key driver in the onset of insulin resistance, which ultimately leads to diabetes. Diabetes itself is associated with increased levels of oxidative stress, and this can promote the development of diabetes-related complications.

I hope you enjoyed and learned something that you can use in you daily eating strategy.

Thanks for reading!

Jeremy LaRochester

Get Rid Of Diabetes For Good.

Hello, I hope this reaches you in a good place.

I want to wish you a good weekend with a personal commitment that I posted to youtube yesterday that I’ll share with you here.

There are many that talk the talk but can’t walk the walk. I have decided to put my passion where my mouth is. I have fully vested myself in every person with diabetes that wants more out of their lives. If you want more you deserve it!

Diabetics have grown tired and complacent waiting for a pharmaceutical cure. I have a better and more life enriching concept. One that is a major undertaking for me but more than worth it. My dedication to end this disease is in the memory of my father and brother, but also for my beautiful niece, my big headed sister who also deal with diabetes.


My commitment is simple: I pledge to help 1000 people completely reverse their diabetes in this calendar year of 2015. In those cases that are not completely reversed and more severe, I will continue to work with you to reduce your medications until they are no longer required.

To the right of this blog post I am providing a free report on diabetes with a very special offer for those dealing with diabetes. My target is 91 individuals each month and I have every intention on satisfying my target goal.

I hope that you enjoy your weekend and that you do one thing to enrich the life of someone you don’t know. If you are interested in eradicating your diabetes or know someone who is, click on the image to the right for your free report and special offer.

Take care and we’ll talk again soon.

Yours in Success,
Jeremy LaRochester

P.S. – Here’s the link to the youtube video.