What’s going on?

Hello everybody! It’s been a minute but I am here! Well, finally looks like there will be a special LiveStream and Ustream event next Thursday or Saturday. I haven’t figured out which day is going to be the best but I want to keep that a surprise. Just look for an update from JeremysFitClub.us in the next few days! I have been networking and networking getting everything fine tuned for next year and I can’t contain my excitement! Boot Camps that will be housed and no more cancellations… better training schedule and meal planning… everything is just coming together. Just wanted to drop in and say I hope everyone is doing well and your holiday shopping is going well. Alright, til next time take care!

Happy Training!


That’s all I can say! I have been in overdrive the last few days and it just seems to be getting more and more intense! I hope that everyone had a great weekend and are looking for a very productive week ahead. This actually is a very short week for many with Thanksgiving coming up Thursday with family outings and shopping scheduled for the weekend following. I will be giving thanks before, during and after as will every one of you! Thank you for everyone that has supported (and continue to do so!) my fitness goals and also for the number of dedicated clients that I serve! My thanks to you carries an additional program that I have developed called F.I.T. Full Intensity Training is scheduled to roll out February 1, 2011. This is about as insane a program as I could master. It is a hybrid of high intensity exercises with a full circuit training feel with a little boot camp mentality to drive the efforts in the right direction. Did I lose anybody? I put a lot of time and effort into shaping this as my go to program. It is mine in development and concept. Not a piggy back from another program, this was a up until 4-5 am to get a couple hours of sleep and back to work again kind of effort. Because of the intensity and the circuit training base, I will be offering this 55 minute class three times a week for a maximum of 40 people at a time. Yes, 40. Because of the concept that will allow individual exertion as well as paired or grouped exertion, the number of 40 participants will not water down the programs intent or results of those that participate. I am very excited about this and will set up a test of it’s strength sometime in January. Stay tuned as I will invite my top 20 clients for the test!

We are now just one week away from the Holiday Bash Boot Camp at Drew Park! I have to say that I am shocked at the numbers that have come in for this promotional boot camp. If I didn’t know any better I would think that my personal guarantee, which is almost unheard of in the fitness industry would have motivated more to take action. If you missed my pitch, I sent out an invite to a live broadcast from LiveStream inviting all that had not signed up for the camp to do so. I went on further to say that if they felt this was no different than any other, my promise was that I would not only facilitate the boot camp, but I would also be a part of the boot camp. Exercises, meal plan the entire process! I have even been eating and not working out to pick up some weight so that 12-15 pounds within the 14 day program would be my loss. Good thing I don’t give up easily…I will find a way to motivate those that know the couch and that bag of potato chips and gallon of high priced Ice Cream is not worth it! So if you miss this opportunity for the boot camp I will make this strong promise to you all now: I WILL SEE YOU IN 2011! If I have to come to your homes with a school bus to pick you up and take you to our workout sites and camps…I will motivate you!

Lastly, I have added a Promotions Page for Jeremy’s Fit Club. You can be taken directly from a link on the home page. I will also be offering coupons for Training and Programs for 2011 so sign up for the newsletter if you are not already a member, or send me an email with your information and I will get you added. Well, that is about it for now. Everyone enjoy the rest of your day and I will talk with you again soon. Take care!
Happy Training!

Working on some new stuff and new site!

Hello Fit Clubees! Yeah I know, I just made that up! How’s everyone doing? I am in the zone here working on finalizing the boot camp which is two weeks from today. I am really excited and I am really looking forward to a great two weeks spent with everyone! There is another site that is the works to place everything that I know and love about personal training for everyone to be able to go to and see. Meal plans, exercises for weight loss, plyometric concepts and the best plyometric exercises for overall fitness. Also included will be one of my first writings on fitness, “Jeremy’s Ronin Fitness”. I will be offering this writing free of charge for a limited time. I will release the details a bit later. It should only be a few more days before I have my second site up and running the way that I would like and I will be sharing that at my site as well as through the blog. There are only 6 spots left for the Holiday Bash Boot Camp on the 29th of November so make sure that you head over to JeremysFitClub.us and sign up. As if this is not enough, I have also set up my own livestream account where I will be broadcasting personal training sessions, seminars, interviews and yes, even the boot camps! So that’s it for the moment. I will be back to leave you yet another update tomorrow. Stay strong, stay safe and Happy Training!